hateful day
Monday, 18 Dec - 12days more
Last weekend was pretty bad. I'm trying to remember the details but my head is not working today. Oh yeah, my guests list increased unexpectedly. Why? Cos i didn't put the names of some managers into my list. Why? Cos i dun want to invite them using my aunt's name. They know me well, and i hardly speak to them when we meet as aunt will be there taking control of the whole conversation. I hate my dad! He just has to follow what other people say. It's hard to describe it here. Aunt says by right should invite who and who. He has to add, of cos have to invite. @#!!@$@ My mum already discussed the relatives list with him before and when she thought they already invited everybody, but someone has to add more guests. So she was left debating to herself whether to invite or not cos some people dun have transports to attend. At first during the discussion between mum & dad, dad already agreed no need to invite so and so. But after someone said have to, he had to add, yeah of cos has to invite & cannot skip, in front of my mum!!! Hulamak, i hate this type of conversation!!
Second event of the weekends. During tai chan day, husband-to-be was not around. I was there together with the in-laws & parents during the "negotiation" process. Mum as usual will write down everything that she's afraid would forgot. So she couldn't stop asking the details of sang jit. What to prepare and wat to return to the groom side. And just to avoid any errors during sang jit, mum asked me to confirm with husband-to-be on the day before. Manatau, future in-laws changed something in the list. What to be returned was chg to no need to return. What not to be returned was changed to be returned. Pening lar... "Pig leg wine" was not to be returned according to his mum on tai chan day, but there he was calling me to remind me that his mum says that is the most important thing to be returned on sang jit. Oranges & biscuits were to be returned according to his mum again, but now his mum said that no need to be returned on sang jit. You say i hot or not?! Some more he was there saying his mum already told my mum that. Luckily i was there during tai chan, if not my mum will be blamed. Some more i saw my mum's list, it was stated so clearly what to be returned and not. And mind them (husband-to-be & future in-laws), my da jie's sang jit & my sang jit are 2 different processes. One is married to a cantonese & another to hokkien. Of cos my mum cannot follow all. Afterall, future in-laws made her confused some more. I didn't care much. It was a good thing i asked husband-to-be to re-list when he came, so less hassle & all ended fine.
Third event. He thought after the sang jit, my parents are on their own already. 23Dec is the date my parents were confused cos future in-laws has never mentioned anything about it before. Imagine this, i called him to reconfirmed wat to do on 23Dec. He asked me to read ourselves!??!?!? When i asked him to explain in details wat to do since we do not know what is the process....he acted like want to talk dun want to talk like that. Perhaps i was diturbing his precious time with his parents last night. So i cut the phone call short. My mum is actually dependant on his mum after hearing horror stories of in-laws having law before actual wedding day. Manatau he asked us to read the list ourselves.
I hate this whole process.
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