Thursday, November 16, 2006


I'm steamed, pissed off, irritated, annoyed ( all the vocabulary to describe anger). At first nobody was willing to drive. In the end people are trying to get more passengers into their cars. You and i know very well why they want more people to car-pool. As if it's my fault for not telling them who drive and who dun. Since the beginning of last month, i was chasing after people frantically to confirm attendance for my wedding. Good thing i didn't beg them. Famous questions were, how to get there & where to stay. Only 2-3 volunteered to drive. One driver even willing to go back to Ipoh after the dinner if the rooms are not enough, so touched. But now, the problem is too many drivers?? Idiot!! I didn't arrange who to come with who. I dun even care how they come as long as they confirm before coming. @#!#%#*&&^%!!!!!!!!!! Becos of them i have to forgo so many other frens in Penang. May them go and rot in Hell!

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